
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Final Reflection-Week 15

The final reflection. Honestly, in August, I didn’t think I would make it to this point. The challenges that loomed at the beginning of the semester seemed impassable. Here, standing on the other end, I can say that I made it. We made it, and we have the power to continue.
Class has been…interesting. While I hate the use of ellipsis, I must emphasize the pause that I am taking mentally when coming up with an adjective to describe this semester in Letts Formal Lounge. I can think of many classes where I wish I was back in bed, I’ll be honest. I can think of many classes walking away frustrated at the things that were said, including a lot of things that I said. Overall, World Politics has been an experience. Normally at the end of something that has lasted this long, I find myself nostalgic about the experience. However, I am not at this point. I can’t say I’m surprised. I value every lesson that I learned this semester, obviously. I learned more than I could fathom back in August. I feel, though, that with the rigorous course load I took this semester, it should be natural to be ready to progress.
The University College experience was a great way to assimilate into college life. It offered access to many great resources and opportunities. I can’t think of many other college freshmen, even here at AU who can say that in their first semester they’ve had private tours of the Pentagon, a Q & A session with a policy maker at the State Department, and access to the Delegation from the European Union twice. UC has opened up Washington DC to me, both through the classroom and through the lab. While there are moments I regret (getting out of bed for the National’s stadium tour, when I was very sick), I can’t think of a single thing that won’t pay off in the long run.
In other words, it’s been a great semester. I am excited for the end, and excited to see where this knowledge takes me.

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