
Sunday, September 12, 2010

September 11th Reflection Week 3

Looking back on our visit to the Newseum this week, I was overwhelmed with emotion that I never thought possible from the presentations of the museums exhibit’s. I had visited this museum before, and while I was always impressed with the information displayed, this visit with the anniversary of September 11th especially impacted me in a different. The September 11th video had a very good perspective on the media’s role and impact on the coverage of the events of that day. In fact, our generation of college students today are very unique in that we had the ability to see the events of September 11th in a very different perspective. Even though we were young many of us could not comprehend the event of terrorism. We only knew that some terrible disaster had stuck our country and our nation would forever be impacted.

Going back to the year of 2001, our country was a very different place emotionally, physically, and mentally. The video shown at the Newseum about the September 11th attacks caused me to react as many Americans did at that time with a sense of determination and loyalty to America. Their was an emergency to prevent such attacks from ever occurring again. In our class discussions we talked about Nationalism and how such a powerful emotion like Nationalism can alter a country’s behavior. Even by reading How Soccer Explains the World is an example of how a soccer match can show the pride, loyalty, and patriotism the fans displayed toward their country’s team. Thus, I was surprised to see the reactions of many Americans this anniversary of 9/11.

At the end of 2001 it was hard not to drive down a street without seeing an American flag in a front yard or a sticker on a car window. Now wearing anything red, white, and blue on the anniversary makes someone stand out amongst a crowd of people. While this is not necessarily a bad quality, studying the behavior of Americans on this holiday is interesting regarding particularly their perspectives and how they could change so quickly. Over the weekend I visited a local coffee shop and felt an odd look coming from the employee behind the counter as I was wearing my American flag scarf. Then just as I was about to leave, she spoke to me about how amazed she was that so many people “forgot” to wear anything resembling national pride as compared to what how they reacted a few years ago. When I looked up at her I noticed that she herself was wearing an American flag pin on her apron. We both talked for a short while about the changes in our country’s perception of this holiday. Without a doubt the conflicts of the War in Iraq have been a constant struggle (especially in the last five years) and thus have played a significant role in altering our country’s feeling of nationalism. Coming from the younger generation I have found it very interesting to observe the different spirit of patriotism our country has taken the past years in regard to any holiday of remembrance for America.

Nonetheless the beauty of our country is not the fact that a person needs to feel obligated to have an American flag above their doorway or a flag pin for remembrance on a holiday or any day for that matter. The beauty is simply in the fact that Americans are blessed with ability to be as patriotic or nationalistic as we so chose. I do think it is important for Americans to remember to take note of this holiday and to reflect why we are fortunate to have the opportunities and privileges we do.

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